Old Sodbury Church Of England Primary

"Let your light shine" Matthew 5:16

Who We Are..


Friends of Old Sodbury School Association or more simply 'FOSSA' is a registered charity and made up of a group of enthusiastic and friendly parents that are dedicated in a shared quest...


To ensure that our children are given the best opportunity at a rewarding and exciting start to their educational journey and with access to the best learning and development experiences that can be afforded to them.


In the challenging financial climate, resources and funding provided to the school are limiting in what can be achieved. FOSSA strive to fill those gaps with their fund raising efforts and seek to ensure our children have a happy, engaging and fun packed time whilst at our little school.


What We Do..


The FOSSA Committee meet on a semi-regular basis to discuss and plan how we intend to reach our fundraising goals. Each year the school specifies where funding is required and FOSSA plot how those goals can be achieved and where additional activities can be applied that will compliment the children's learning and enjoyment.


We then work towards realising those goals through fundraising, events and all that year round fun stuff and activities that are held - more than likely, FOSSA will have a hand in it somewhere.


What Can You Do...


But - we are a relatively small group and we need all the help we can get! A la strength in numbers and many hands make light work and so on.

If you feel that you would like to make a positive difference to our school and for our children, no matter how small then please get in touch with us.


We understand that not everybody has time to commit to the cause but there are so many other ways that you can help to be a part of that difference. Click this link to find out how..