Old Sodbury Church Of England Primary

"Let your light shine" Matthew 5:16

Science Week 2022

We had so much fun during our whole school science week in Term 3. We were all learning about FORCES!

MAD Science Assembly

We had an amazing start to the week with a visit from Atomic Andrew, a MAD scientist. He showed of lots of great science demonstrations and taught us loads about rockets and rocket fuel! We nearly put a hole in the ceiling because our rockets were so powerful!

Chestnut Class

In Chestnut Class we did all sorts of different enquiries and loved sharing what we already knew about forces in the world around us. We investigated whether the steepness of a ramp affected how far a car went, explored which materials could be bent, squashed and stretched, and tested whether materials float or sink in water. 

Sycamore Class

In Sycamore Class we were learning all about magnets! We tested which materials are magnetic, investigated whether magnet size is related to magnetic strength and had a fun afternoon testing out rocket balloons.

Oak Class

In Oak Class we were learning all about gravity, friction, air resistance and water resistance. We carried out lots of different enquiries throughout the week including testing paper spinners, investigation shoe friction on different surfaces and designing streamlined shapes for water vehicles.