A Great Big FOSSA Welcome & Key Information
If you are new to the school - 'Welcome!'. Please have a look around our website (click here) to get to know us a little better. In the meantime we wanted to share with you some key info for the coming year!
The date for the FOSSA AGM meeting has been scheduled and to take place Thursday 24th September at 6 PM
The AGM is an opportunity for the school community to hear about the achievements of FOSSA and our support in the last school year and also a chance for all parents to become involved in the coming year, as the new committee will be elected.
For those that are new to the school.....
Who Are FOSSA?
We are the PTFA (Parent, Teacher & Friend Association) for our lovely village school!
In brief, we are a group of frazzled parents and super heros who are absolutely committed to raising much needed funds for all the children of our lovely school! Look out for an email introducing ourselves to you...
We've changed our contact details....
You can now email us at fossa.ptfa@gmail.com
Stay updated on all the exciting FOSSA news and events by heading over to our NEW FB page! Don't forget to press the 'FOLLOW' button!
CLICK HERE to head over to our new Facebook Page
Working busily behind the scenes you'll find the FOSSA Team scheming to understand how those all important funds can be raised to support and provide for our children this year! Without the support of FOSSA & the school community - the kids wouldn't have access to some of the wonderful resources and opportunities that FOSSA provides. BUT! We need your help....
You can easily raise much needed funds, simply by doing your usual online shopping via the easyfundraising shopping portal. For all the £££'s you spend - £££'s will be donated to the school! Its that easy - PLEASE, PLEASE head over to our website for more info and to sign up (click here).
If you would like our help with this please email us on fossa.ptfa@gmail.com