Term 5
Welcome to Oak's class page. Here you can find out what we've been up to and what's coming up. We are very excited about the year ahead and we hope you enjoy looking at our wonderful work!
Useful Information
PE this term will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please come in your PE kit (white tops and black shorts/joggers) on these days. On Tuesdays we will be doing multi-skills and on Thursdays we will be doing hockey.
Home learning
Reading- Please listen to your child read regularly at home. You can find ideas for comprehension questions to ask at home in the Reading Resources section of the website. In Oak Class, children have 'Home Reading Journals' to complete tasks linked to their reading books.
Spelling- There will be a weekly assignment on Spelling Shed each week. This will be set on a Friday and needs to be completed by the following Friday. Please see the termly spelling overview to see the word lists.
Times Tables- Practise on Times Tables Rock Stars at home every week. Look out for tournaments and battles throughout the term!
Homework Diaries- Children in Oak Class will have their own homework diaries to keep track of any extra home learning activities set in class. These activities may be linked to any area of the curriculum and children will have a week to complete them. They can bring in the completed activity or post a photo on Class Dojo.
Our mission question: How can we sort living things?
We have been so lucky to have Charlotte visiting us over the last few terms to help us with our French. We have learnt so many new words and now know lots about what life is like in France. We will miss you when you go back to France! Merci beaucoup!
We have been exploring classification keys in science this week. We used our knowledge of invertebrate groups to classify common invertebrates we find in our schools grounds. It was a challenge making sure our keys worked properly!
This term we have been continuing our lino printing project in art. After looking at pop artists for inspiration, we have begun printing the backgrounds for our final artwork. We will be layering these with our own modern pop culture images and logos.
This week in science we have been learning about microorganisms. We have explored which ones are helpful and which are harmful. Yeast is an example of a helpful microorganism that is useful for baking. We carried out an investigation to find out which temperature was best for growing yeast.
Lifeskills Trip
Year 6 had a fantastic time at the Lifeskills centre in Bristol. They learnt lots of brilliant safety advice and how to keep themselves safe in lots of different environments. Thank you to the brilliant staff!
Term 4
Our mission question: How did bronze and iron change life in Britain?
Cave Art
In history this week we have been learning about life in the Paleolithic and Mesolithic Stone Age. We were fascinated by the cave art found at Lascaux and had a go and creating our own cave art designs using charcoal.
World Book Day
For World Book Day 2023, we decorated wooden spoons to look like characters from our favourite books. Can you guess which characters we chose?
Police Visit
To support our learning in PSHE, this week we had a visit from a local PCSO. We talked about the age of legal responsibility, how to deal with peer pressure and how to keep ourselves safe as we transition to secondary school. We also discussed how to show respect for other people's personal space. We had chance to ask lots of questions and even some career advice for those of us interested in the police.
Easter Experience
We were invited to the church for an Easter Experience trail. We visited different stations around the church to explore different parts of the Easter Story. We had lots of fun sharing our thoughts and feelings about Easter.
Stonehenge Trip
We visited Stonehenge as part of our history mission this term. We looked at real Stone Age tools in the museum, explored the Neolithic houses and of course, visited the monument. We had expert guides who told us all about the history of Stonehenge and current theories about how and why it was built. We also recreated a Bronze Age burial and held some real grave goods!
Term 3
Our mission question: Why do living things change and how do we know?
Biomes in a Bottle
In geography, we have been learning about the world's biomes. We created these double page spreads to show what we have found out the different biomes, what they are like and what plants and animals live there.
Battle of the Beaks!
In science this term we are learning about evolution and inheritance. This week we have been finding out about Darwin's finches. We carried out our own 'Battle of the Beaks' to investigate which beak types were the best at eating different foods. We had lots of fun competing to see which birds would survive and pass on their adaptations!
Children's Mental Health Week
This year's Children's Mental Health Week ran from 6th-12th February. In Oak Class we were thinking about how different activities help us feel connected to other people. We shared lots of ideas, such as sports clubs, music, nature, school, Brownies, reading and family activities. We created a paperchain to express all of these ideas.
Term 2
Our mission question: Why should we remember the Golden Age of Islam?
In RE this week, we really enjoyed exploring the Big Frieze- an artwork by Emma Yarlett based around the BIG story of the Bible. We spotted loads of symbols and links to different Bible stories that we know and have used it as inspiration for our own artwork.
In science this term we are learning about light. This week we were exploring how light travels and demonstrating how it only travels in straight lines. When the holes in the cards were lined up, light travelled all the way through and out the other side. When the holes weren't lines up, light could not shine through because it cannot curve through the holes.
Odd Socks Day
We have started anti-bullying in style with our odd socks today! This year, anti-bullying week has the theme of 'Reach Out'. We took part in a live lesson with CBBC presenters to explore how we can reach out if we are being bullied, if our friend is being bullied and if we think we might have been unkind to someone else.
Science day!
We are very lucky to have been loaned a set of scientific microscopes from the Royal Microscopic Society. Today we learnt how to use the microscopes, what scientists use microscopes for and we got to explore loads of different everyday materials under the microscope. We made some brilliant observations about what we saw!
Islamic Art
In art this term we have been exploring the features of Islamic art. We have explored repeating patterns, geometric shapes and symmetry.
Splashdown museum!
We had so much fun sharing our learning with parents, grandparents and the rest of the school at our splashdown museum this week. We each created an exhibit to demonstrate our new understanding of this term's mission 'Why should we remember the Golden Age of Islam?'
Thank you to everyone who came!
Term 1
Our mission question: How are we connected to the rest of the world?
In art this term we are learning about the artwork of Frida Kahlo. Today we were developing our colouring mixing skills by creating different shades, tints and tones of green.
We had lots of fun in computing this week. We used Scratch to code our own instruments and make music!
Life Skills
This week we were lucky to have a visit from Life Skills and their new 'Life Space'. Year 5 and 6 took part in a workshop all about staying physically and mentally healthy, learning how to say no to peer pressure and explored the dangers of smoking. We learnt lots of interesting facts and gave lots of advice on how people can keep themselves healthy.
Play Leaders
Today we had play leader training with Mrs Bates from KLB school. We discussed what makes a good leader and the skills and qualities we were hoping to show in our leadership. We tried lots of different games and learnt how to make skills easier and harder for people. Then we put all that we had learnt into practice to plan and deliver a sport session for the younger children. It was tricky but we learnt lots and can't wait to use our new skills at playtimes and lunchtimes.
In music this term we have been exploring reggae music. We have been working in groups to compose our own pieces using a variety of instruments.
Mission Splashdowns
In Mission this term, we have been learning about how we are connected to the rest of the world through transport, trade, migration and international organisations. We have created our own pages to show what we have learnt.