Old Sodbury Church Of England Primary

"Let your light shine" Matthew 5:16

Welcome to Hazel Class page. Here, you can find out what we've been up to and what's coming up. We are very excited about the year ahead and we hope you enjoy looking at our wonderful work! 

Useful information



PE this term will be on Monday and Friday. Please could the children come to school wearing their PE kit on these days. 


Home learning

Reading: Please listen to your child read at least 3 times per weekWe will change your child's reading book every Friday. 


Items to bring in daily

Water bottle, lunchbox and waterproof coat

Items to leave in school

Wellies, painting shirt and waterproof clothing

Term 6

Term 5

Our favourite places

Linked to our 'Going places' theme, we described our favourite places and explained why they were special to us. We spoke clearly, listened respectfully and enjoyed learning more about our friends. We then drew and labelled pictures of our favourite places.

Bud's Number Garden

We enjoyed using technology to practise ordering, subitising and counting.

Rekenreks ready!

We've been learning how to use a new counting tool to support our number sense.

Term 4

Science Week

We've loved being scientists and exploring forces this week. Working in teams, we built a drainpipe for Incy Wincy Spider and a wall for Humpty Dumpty. We huffed and we puffed to discover what objects we could move with our breath and we experienced the magic of magnets. What a super start to Term 4!


Our first hockey lesson with Zoe...

World Book Day

Hazel class looked fabulous dressed up as their favourite book characters! They had a great morning working with the older children to create stories in a shoebox. They worked brilliantly in teams, showed wonderful creativity and earned lots of points for their house!

Easter gardens

Pokémon PE!

Making Easter treats...

Two special visits

Hazel class were very lucky to receive visits from Avon Fire & Rescue and Avon & Somerset Police this term. We were given a guided tour of both emergency service vehicles and we found out lots about the equipment on board. Thank you so much to our visitors.

Term 3

Number hunt

In maths, we have been exploring different ways to make 5 using 5 little speckled frogs on a 5 frame. We also went on a number hunt of sea creatures around the classroom.

Under the sea

We’ve really enjoyed using our sketchbooks to draw and label sea creatures. We’ve drawn sharks, jellyfish, clownfish and squid. We were even able to spot one of our new digraphs in the word ‘shark’!

The Gingerbread Man

In Drawing Club, we smelt cinnamon, kneaded the dough and created our own fabulous characters!

Brilliant bubbles!

Inspired by Drawing Club, we made bubble wands and bubble mixture. This required accurate measuring, careful pouring, gentle stirring and great teamwork. When the mixture was ready, we had lots of fun blowing bubbles, watching them float away and waiting for them to pop!

Floating and sinking

We used objects from around the classroom to investigate floating and sinking. Lots of predicting, observing, describing and explaining. We got a bit wet but we had lots of fun!


Liam set us a tricky task and we did brilliantly. We love a challenge! Throwing and catching using "cup, close, chest" and then using our best balancing skills to cross the river.

Lunar New Year

To celebrate Lunar New Year, we made lanterns and dragon masks. Our colouring and cutting skills were really put to the test!

Term 2

Bethlehem Bandits - Nativity Play December 2023.

Fantastic performance by Hazel Class as they had lead roles in our whole school Nativity. Well done to all that took part. What a wonderful show :)

Term 1

In Term 1, Hazel Class have enjoyed learning how to use their environment and how to become independent learners. At Old Sodbury, we encourage our pupils to share their interest and we use these ideas and interest to inform our planning. We like to provide lots of opportunities for 'sticky knowledge' so that children can feel confident in their learning and remember all the exciting things they have experienced.