Old Sodbury Church Of England Primary

"Let your light shine" Matthew 5:16

Welcome to Chestnut's class page. Here, you can find out what we've been up to and what's coming up. We are very excited about the year ahead and we hope you enjoy looking at our wonderful work! 

Useful information



PE this term will be on a Monday and Thursday and it will be cricket. On Thursdays the session will be led by an external coach. Please could the children come in on these days in their PE kits on these days. 


Home learning

Reading: Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. You can find ideas for comprehension questions to ask at home in the Reading resources section of the website. 

We will continue to change reading books on Fridays. 

Phonics/spelling: Please practise phase 3 and phase 5 phonics sounds at least 3 times a week, using the sounds to make words. Practise Year 1 or 2 common exception words Spelling resources

(Year 2 only) A weekly spelling assignment will be uploaded onto https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb

TTRS (Numbots): Using Numbots (Year 1/Year 2) and/or Timestable Rockstars (Year 2 only) at least 3 times a week. See Times table Rockstars Support 

Mission: Choose one or more of the extra mission tasks set on Class dojo to complete at home. Send in photos of your work onto Class Dojo that you would like to share with the class. 


Items to bring in daily:

Water bottles, lunch boxes and appropriate outdoor clothing

Items to leave in school:

Wellies, painting shirt and waterproof clothing.

Term 6 

Our mission question: What makes an explorer significant?

 Mission jigsaw Y12.pdfDownload
 Mission overview.pdfDownload
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We launched our mission with a great session using maps of the school ground to find resources that we needed for our history task. We then had to work out where in the world each of these explorers had been. This was a great recap of our knowledge of the continents and the oceans. We knew so much already! 


We started our new class book: 'The Great explorer' written by Chris Judge. We are going to be innovating the story using our own ideas. We will be using our knowledge of the different continents which we are looking at in mission. Our character will be going on an adventure to either the Amazon rainforest, Antarctica or the African desert. We cannot wait to start planning our stories. 


This term we have been looking at the artist Vincent Van Gogh. We have been exploring primary colours and what secondary colours they make when mixed together. 

Term 5

Our mission question: How can we stay healthy?

 Mission jigsaw How can we stay healthy.pdfDownload
 Mission overview.pdfDownload
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To finish off our mission from Term 4 "What could my den be made of?" we had a den building afternoon. We brought our teddies into school and designed our dens before making them in our school forest. We had so much fun! 

Design Technology

In preparation for the coronation, we have been tasting different fruits and rating their smell, appearance, texture and taste and deciding whether we want them in our fruit salad.


In PSHE we have been learning about our teeth and how we can keep them healthy., We need to make sure we brush them twice a day and do not eat too many sugary foods and drinks. 

Term 4

Our Mission question: What could my den be made of?

 Mission jigsaw Y12 What could my den be made of.pdfDownload
 Mission overview.pdfDownload
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World Book day 

Decorate a wooden spoon with your favourite book character. Can you guess who we made?


Today we were very lucky and we had some visitors who taught us how to use the bow and arrows correctly for archery. 

Design Technology

In Dt this term we are building a chair for a bear. Today we were accessing different types of chairs. We were rating them for comfort, aesthetics and strength. We will be using these results to help us with our own designs. 


We were very lucky to have a real builder visit us at school. Karl answered lots of our questions about different materials and how he builds many different buildings. We then had a chance to have ago at building our own things using different types of materials. 


This term we have done 3 different science experiments: 

What material would make the best tent pole?

What material would make the best waterproof roof?

What material would make the best curtain for a bear cave?


Term 3

Our Mission question: How does weather affect us?

 Mission jigsaw- How does weather affect us.pdfDownload
 Mission overview.pdfDownload
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Our book this term is 'Lila and the secret of rain'. We are using this book alongside our mission 'How does weather affect us?'. We will be writing a non-fiction piece of writing (a diary entry) and a narrative where we will be creating our own story Lila and the secret of sun/wind/snow.


We launched our mission with setting up our science experiments. We are measuring weather this term using, rain gauges to measure the amount of rainfall, an anemometer to measure wind speed, thermometer to measure temperature and we have made our own weather vanes to record wind direction. 


How do seasons change?

Alongside our 'How does weather affect us?' we are also looking at what is winter. We have been looking for signs of winter around our school. 


In Mission we were exploring what clothes you would wear in different seasons and different weathers. We had great fund trying on different clothes and discussing what clothes we may need all year round. 

Term 2

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 Mission jigsaw Y12.pdfDownload
 Mission overview.pdfDownload
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Our mission question: What do we remember on 5th November? (Week 1)

 What do we remember on thr 5th November presentation.pptxDownload
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We wrote wanted posters about Guy Fawkes. We described what he is wearing in case you see him. 

Mission question: How have toys changed?

Class trip to Blaise Castle museum

We had a fantastic trip to Blaise Castle museum where we had the chance to learn all about how toys during the Victorian times were different to ours now. We also found some toys were similar to ours such as teddies and push and pull toys, however some are made form different materials such as wood and our are made from mainly plastic. 

Design Technology 

In DT we are learning how to make pictures with moving parts using sliders and levers. We made Remembrance pictures using the red, white and purple poppies. 


This term we have been learning about how to take good quality photographs using iPads. We have created a photo story using animal characters and thinking about the best angles and backgrounds to make our photos the most affective. We then edited our pictures using different filters and cropping the images so they create the best effect. We loved creating these! 

Museum splashdown

Wow! what an amazing end to our mission 'How have toys changed?'. We had so many visitors to our museum and we were asked so many questions about Toys from past to present and even future. Thank You everyone who came along. 


How do seasons change?

Today we had a wonderful morning in the forest playing in the snow and singing Christmas songs! We made sure we all wrapped up warm with our hats, gloves and scarfs. We even found some fox foot prints in the snow. 

Term 1

Our mission question: Where are we in the UK?

 Chestnut mission overview.pdfDownload
 Mission jigsaw Y12.pdfDownload
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What are the 5 senses?

First week back we have had such a great time exploring our 5 senses. Our favourite part of the week was the taste test. We tried cheese, crisps, mushroom, sweetcorn, dark chocolate, dates and lemon. We had to decided whether we though the taste was sweet, salty, umami, sour or bitter. 


Where are we in the UK?

We had great fun exploring the globes and atlases to find the 7 continents and the 5 oceans. We also learnt 2 fantastic new songs to help us remember them. 

7 continents 


5 oceans 




We have been creating artwork inspired by the artist Andy Goldsworthy. He uses the natural world to create amazing sculptures


In continuous provision Year 1s have been exploring numbers 1-10 using lots of different maths manipulatives including playdough, counting sticks, numicon and lots more! 


Our class books this term are Silly Billy and Lubna and the Pebble. We painted out own pebble friends just like Lubna. WE then wrote a description about our pebbles using adjectives. 



Our new mission is 'What do we remember on the 5th November?' where we are being historians and looking at the events of the famous Gunpowder plot. We started our mission off with looking at famous monarchs in history: Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Victoria, Elizabeth II and Charles III.