Old Sodbury Church Of England Primary

"Let your light shine" Matthew 5:16



Governor Vacancies

If you are interested in becoming a Governor at our school we would love to hear from you. 


We are looking for dedicated individuals who want to make a difference in the lives of children and are willing to share their experience in an educational environment.


We are looking for dedicated individuals who can offer a passion for education with a belief and understanding of the schools holistic approach.


What is the role of a Parent/ Carer Governor?

  • Being a school governor is a chance to experience leadership at board level. The role provides individuals with the opportunity to develop and hone strategic skills such as negotiation, influencing and teamwork.  The Governing Board work as a team to support and challenge the Headteacher.


  • Volunteers need to be dedicated, passionate people who care about improving education. It makes the role perfect for professionals looking to improve their business and leadership skills, give back to society and enhance children’s futures. Please note, you do not need to come from an Educational background, nor do you need to be working at board level in your current role.


  • Governors are responsible for overseeing the management side of a school: strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing. They enable their school to run as effectively as possible, collaborating with the Senior Leadership team and supporting teachers to provide excellent education and wellbeing to children.


  • Being a school governor is a commitment to attending governing body meetings which consider issues such as setting the school vision, mitigating financial risk and scrutinising educational outcomes. They are also involved in the school community, acting as critical friends to the headteacher and senior leaders.


  • School Governors make a positive contribution to children’s education by offering supportive challenge to the school’s leadership team. School Governors work as a team and come from a wide variety of backgrounds to add value to school life by offering their skills, expertise and time.


Frequently Asked Questions


Why become a school governor?

The benefits of being a governor are immense and can include:

  • Developing your professional skills and experience such as strategic planning
  • Access to professional training
  • Chairing and team working, all of which are valued by employers and can assist your own career development
  • Building relationships and networks in your locality and
  • Supporting children and young people in your community.


Being a governor at Old Sodbury Primary School is rewarding

Old Sodbury Primary School is committed to raising educational standards.


What are the benefits of being a governor?

  • Governors can hugely impact the direction of the school, improving opportunities for local children.


  • Governors can freely access a wealth of resources including e-courses and webinars in order to aid their professional development. The skills developed are highly transferable across the workplace and community.


  • Governors can celebrate the success of the school, and we are fortunate to work with a school that has the right to celebrate a lot!


What is the time commitment?


  • The average time required as a Governor is up to 1 hour a week maximum within school term time.

  • Currently, the Governing Board meets six times per year.  Meetings usually take place at 6.30 pm for no longer than two hours. There are also Education/ Business Committee meetings held which last for an hour.


  • Governors can also hold link roles and responsibilities and regularly check-in with a linked staff member, which would include one/ two Monitoring Visits, where Governors come in to the school during the school day together to look at the school through the lens of a child, and report back their findings at the next Academy Committee meeting.


  • Each meeting will require Governors to read some reports in advance in order to be able to ask questions at the meeting.


  • Governors can also hold link roles and responsibilities and regularly check-in with a linked staff member to find out how things really are in school, and report back their findings at the next Academy Committee meeting.


How do I apply?

If you are interested in joining our fantastic team of Governors, please complete the application form located HERE. We hope it will take you no more than 10 minutes, to keep it as efficient as possible.

The closing date is February 7th.

Please send your application to the Clerk to Governors: Carole Rowland, carrow13@hotmail.co.uk