Old Sodbury Church Of England Primary

"Let your light shine" Matthew 5:16

Welcome to Oak's class page. Here you can find out what we've been up to and what's coming up. We are very excited about the year ahead and we hope you enjoy looking at our wonderful work!

Useful Information


PE this term will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please come in your PE kit (white tops and black shorts/joggers) on these days. On Tuesdays we will be doing tennis and on Thursdays we will be doing netball. 

Home learning

Reading- Please read regularly at home. You can find ideas for comprehension questions to ask at home in the Reading Resources section of the website. In Oak Class, children have 'Home Reading Journals' to complete tasks linked to their reading books. 

Spelling- There will be a weekly assignment on Spelling Shed each week. This will be set on a Friday and needs to be completed by the following Friday. Please see the termly spelling overview to see the word lists. 

Times Tables- Practise on Times Tables Rock Stars at home every week. Look out for tournaments and battles throughout the term!

Homework Diaries- Children in Oak Class will have their own homework diaries to keep track of any extra home learning activities set in class. These activities may be linked to any area of the curriculum and children will have a week to complete them. They can bring in the completed activity or post a photo on Class Dojo. 

Term 6

Our mission question is: Why is the South West a favourite destination?

 Term 6 Spelling Overview- Stage 5.pdfDownload
 Term 6 Spelling Overview- Stage 6.pdfDownload
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DT- Cams

This week in DT we explored cam mechanisms. We made our own prototype mechanisms and explored how different shaped cams affected the linear movement. 

Term 5

Our mission question is: How do living things grow?

 mission overview for website.pdfDownload
 Term 5 Spelling Overview- Stage 5.pdfDownload
 Term 5 Spelling Overview- Stage 6.pdfDownload
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Year 5 Mini Police Project

Throughout terms 5 and 6, Year 5 will be taking part in a 'mini police' project with one of our local PCSOs. As part of their project they will be learning about the different roles of the police, carrying out a community action project, learning first aid and meeting some of the team from the dog and equestrian departments. They are very excited!

Term 4

Our mission question is: How have the ancient Greeks influenced the modern world?

 O2.4 Mission overview for website.pdfDownload
 Term 4 Spelling Overview- Stage 5.pdfDownload
 Term 4 Spelling Overview- Stage 6.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3


This term we have Zoe coaching us with our hockey. 


This week in DT we cooked our winter soups and cheese scones. Each group made a different soup based on what's in season in the UK right now. We practiced our cutting, peeling, grating, measuring, mixing and rolling out skills. 

World Book Day!

We had so much fun dressing up and making our 'stories in a shoebox' for World Book Day. 

History- Ancient Greeks

We have learnt so much about the ancient Greeks this term. In today's lesson, we learnt about the ancient Olympic Games and considered how they differed from the modern Games. We learnt about how the Olympic Torch has become a symbol for the Games and that it is still lit in Olympia, Greece before being flown to the host country. We even got to hold a real Olympic Torch! 


In computing this week we had a go at coding our micro:bits. We used what we already knew about block coding from Scratch to try out 5 different challenges. We had to turn our micro:bits into a scrolling name tag, an emotion badge, a beating heart and a shake dice. Finally we really put our skills to the test by coding our micro:bits to play rock, paper, scissors! 

Term 3

Our mission question is: How big is my footprint?

 Term 3 Spelling Overview- Stage 5.pdfDownload
 Term 3 Spelling Overview- Stage 6.pdfDownload
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RE- Creation Artwork

In RE this term we are exploring different beliefs about how the world was created. This week we revisited the Christian creation story and created these stained glass window designs to show what happened on each day.

Science Enquiry

This week we were learning about thermal conductors and insulators. We carried out an investigation to find out which material was the best thermal conductor and would make a good mug cover to keep Mrs Ireland's tea warm! 

Skittles Fractions!

This week we have been practising how to find fractions of amounts. Today we found different fractions of skittles and also worked out what fraction of the pack were red, orange, yellow, green and purple. A very tasty maths lesson!


In music this term we have been exploring rap music. This week we worked in groups to create our own rap songs using what we have learnt. We had lots of fun!

DT- Soup Tasting

In DT this term we have been learning about seasonality and locality of foods. In preparation for making our own winter soups, this week we did some market research and evaluated some existing soups. We had to score each soup for its appearance, smell and taste. 

Geography Splashdown

For our mission splashdown this term, we have been designing our own sustainable cities of the future. We had to include affordable housing, renewable energy, sustainable transport, plenty of green spaces, low carbon food production and responsible waste management. Check back after half term to see our finished plans!

Term 2

Our mission question is: What did the tree see?

 Mission overview for website.pdfDownload
 Term 2 Spelling Overview- Stage 5.pdfDownload
 Term 2 Spelling Overview- Stage 6.pdfDownload
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Today we launched our new history mission which is based around the wonderful book by Charlotte Guillain- What did the tree see? After reading the story, we visited some of the oldest trees near our school to imagine what changes they might have seen. Back in the classroom, we used historical and modern maps of Old Sodbury to find our what has changed and what's stayed the same in the past 130 years. 

Life Skills

Today we were visited by Becky from Life Skills. We talked about lots of really important topics, including how to keep our bodies and minds healthy, the dangers of smoking, how to maintain healthy friendships and how to deal with disagreements. Thank you Becky!


Science Afternoon

We had a brilliant afternoon with some of the Year 12 students from KLB. They planned and organised a scientific enquiry for us to do. We had to grind red cabbage to produce an indicator, which we used to identify different acids and alkalis. Acids turned red and alkalis turned green. Thank you so much KLB! 


Term 1

Our mission question is: What is out there and how do we know? 

 Mission overview for website.pdfDownload
 Term 1 Spelling Overview- Stage 5.pdfDownload
 Term 1 Spelling Overview- Stage 6.pdfDownload
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This week in science we carried out our Moon crater enquiry. We chose different variables to investigate and used sand to recreate the dusty surface of the Moon.


In art this term we are exploring collage. This week we used photomontage to create these monochromatic artworks.

Residential Camp

Oak Class had an amazing time on our camp at PGL Liddington. We got to do so many amazing activities and created some incredible memories!