Welcome to Oak's class page. Here you can find out what we've been up to and what's coming up. We are very excited about the year ahead and we hope you enjoy looking at our wonderful work!
Useful Information
PE this term will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please come in your PE kit (white tops and black shorts/joggers) on these days.
Home learning
Reading- Please read regularly at home. You can find ideas for comprehension questions to ask at home in the Reading Resources section of the website. In Oak Class, you can record your reading in your homework diary.
Spelling- There will be a weekly assignment on Spelling Shed each week. This will be set on a Thursday and needs to be completed by the following Thursday. Please see the termly spelling overview to see the word lists.
Times Tables- Practise on Times Tables Rock Stars at home every week. Look out for tournaments and battles throughout the term!
Homework Diaries- Children in Oak Class will have their own homework diaries to keep track of any extra home learning activities set in class. These activities may be linked to any area of the curriculum and children will have a week to complete them. They can bring in the completed activity or post a photo on Class Dojo. Children are expected to have their homework diaries in school every day.
Term 2
Our mission question is: Why should we remember the Golden Age of Islam?
In RE this afternoon, the children had to create their own news broadcast in an attempt to answer our main question from our Christianity unit, Was Jesus the Messiah? After ' hot seating' with some drama last week they really have embraced the task and had great fun with fantastic acting skills! Here is just one example as the files are very big!
Term 1
Our mission question is: How are we connected to the rest of the world?
Art- Colour Mixing
In art this term we are exploring self-portraits through the work of Frida Kahlo. This week we were exploring colour mixing to see how many different shades of green we could create. We will be using these skills to create backgrounds for our own self-portraits at the end of term!
The Boy at the Back of the Class
We have been reading the Boy at the Back of the Class this term. We loved the chapter 'An Unexpected Adventure' when the main character goes in search of a pomegranate and tries one for the first time. Lots of us had never had pomegranate before so we tried some too!
Buddy Reading
Year 6 have had great fun getting to know their new buddies and sharing a story with them. Thank you Hazel Class for listening so well!
Lifeskills Workshop
This week we had a visit from Lifeskills. Our workshop was all about making decisions and what sort of decisions we will get to make as we get older. We also discussed scenarios involving peer pressure and how best to deal with it.
Year 6 Area
Year 6 have had lots of fun in their new playground area this week. Thank you so much to Mrs Webber, Mrs Jackman and Mrs Adams for organising it for us. It was a brilliant surprise!
Reading Scrapbook
Thank you to everyone who took the reading scrapbook home this term. We have loved celebrating and sharing some of our favourite books. I can't wait to see which books get added next term!